Seat Height

The height of the seat can be adjusted to raise or lower an individual for multiple purposes. Individuals can use a seat elevator to reach high items, to turn on lights, or to simply position themselves for doing functional tasks (e.g., cooking, or eating at a table). The seat can also lower, assisting the person using the wheelchair to fit under a table or reach low items.

Seat elevators come in two types:



  • One type of seat elevator lifts the individual straight up, but never too high so that the chair remains stable 

  • Another type of seat elevator lifts with two opposing bars in a scissor motion. This allows for more stability and more weight-bearing, while bringing the person even higher.

The seat elevator frequently comes paired with sensors that will not allow fast movements of the wheelchair while in certain positions, such as when raised high.

Recommended for:

  • Individuals who need assistance to reach higher items
  • Individuals who are completely dependent in a wheelchair and it would benefit their function in activities to raise or lower their seat height