
Some manual wheelchairs are specifically designed to be lightweight. Many of these lightweight chairs have a feature where they can fold easily.


  • These manual chairs can be easily transported
  • The chairs are very lightweight and easily folded (Kreutz & Johnson-Taylor, 2002, p.322).
  • Lightweight / folding chairs are best for individuals who can propel themselves and would like to be more independent with their wheelchairs
  • Ultralight Frames are available as well
    • These chairs weigh less than 30 lbs and are very easy to transport
    • Many of these chairs can be customized to the individual (Kreutz & Johnson Taylor, 1997, 137).


  • Lightweight wheelchairs are less durable and more easily damaged

Recommended For:

  • Individuals with lower endurance in their upper body will also benefit from manual lightweight wheelchairs because these chairs are easier to move in. There is less strength required to push these wheelchairs because there is less weight
  • People with lightweight wheelchairs often need them because they can be mobile and when necessary transfer out of their chair and then move their chair where they desire from their newly seated position.
    • This is useful when transferring to a bed, to move the chair to the side of the bed until it is needed again in the morning
    • Or this is also useful for individuals who have adaptive driving enabled. The individual can transfer into the driver’s seat and transfer the chair to the back seat easily.