Rigid Frames

Rigid frame chairs are typically the cheapest frames and also typically the most simplistic as far as features go.


  • Cost is drastically lower than most other chairs
  • Are usually the easiest to find in stores or online, without much search necessary
  • Many rigid frames can hold more weight as well
  • Simplest option if nothing complex is needed


  • Limited features or lack of ability to customizeĀ for the person using the wheelchair
  • Often time rigid chair frames can be lower quality as well
  • Offer poor support for posture and uncomfortable, sling seating
  • Conversely to a previous benefit, these frames are the simplest option, which may not provide all of the features needed

Recommended for:

  • Individuals who have a high level of independence in most areas, but need minimal support from a wheelchair
  • Individuals who are tight on a budget and may not receive insurance reimbursement for a wheelchair